Elevate Your Grounds Maintenance Game with a Multi-Use Sweeper

Whether you manage a sprawling campus, a commercial property, or a residential community, investing in the right cleaning and maintenance equipment can make all the difference. 

In the Pacific Northwest, our experts at SWS personally love the efficiency and versatility of a multi-use sweeper for this task. Here are some of the benefits and factors to consider before purchasing one for your grounds maintenance routines.

What is a Multi-Use Sweeper?

A multi-use/multi-purpose sweeper is a multi-terrain maintenance vehicle used to clean up different places, including streets, parking lots, sidewalks, and warehouses. It performs the same functions as a regular street sweeper, along with additional functions like drop spreaders for landscaping and sprayers to wash signs and benches. 

The Benefits of Investing in a Multi-Purpose Sweeper

A multi-use sweeper offers a wide range of benefits to grounds maintenance efforts. A few of the top ones include:

  • Adapts to seasons and terrain. Multi-use sweepers like the Multi-hog CV are made for all terrains, including steep hills, sidewalks, grass landscapes, and snowy lots.
  • Capable of adapting to many maintenance and landscaping projects. Multi-use sweepers have many optional attachments to assist in a wide range of tasks like scrubbing cobblestones, washing signs, and towing other equipment to a site.
  • It can be utilized all year round. Unlike regular sweepers, which specialize in one specific task, a multi-use sweeper can be adapted for a range of ground maintenance tasks. This includes post-monsoon cleanups, cleaning loose dirt and gravel from renovated sites, and clearing fall leaves or winter snow from pedestrian areas.

Newer models also have added benefits like efficient fuel usage, sustainability options, and lower emissions.

Factors to Consider Before Investing in a Multi-Use Sweeper

While a multi-use sweeper can provide a host of benefits, there are several things to consider before you invest. A few key ones include:

What will you use it for? Some attachments and accessories need to be bought separately, and the many parts will require inspections and maintenance. To ensure you get the best return on your investment, consider the time and costs required to integrate each task into the sweeper.

When will you use it? To get the best return on a multiuse sweeper, it needs to be compatible with other site tasks for part or all of the year. Will you use the sweeper’s features enough to justify maintenance, fuel, and other costs?

What size do you need to be efficient? Multi-use sweepers often run small, so they can work over a variety of surfaces like warehouse floors and sidewalks. While this makes tight spaces easier to manage, it could mean special attachments or extra time to clean larger roads and surfaces.

How reliable is its uptime, and how easy is it to obtain parts, replacements, and troubleshooting support? When selecting a multi-use sweeper, make sure you will have the supplies and support to maintain it. The less it breaks down or suffers repair delays, the better.

Does it meet your area’s regulatory compliance standards? Some areas have specific standards for factors like noise levels, emissions, or environmental certifications. Choose a sweeper that meets or exceeds these regulatory requirements to avoid potential fines or penalties.

A well-chosen multi-use sweeper can be an amazing solution to your grounds maintenance needs. 

SWS Equipment Can Help Your Business Step Up Its Ground Maintenance Game 

At SWS, we ensure our customers receive the finest and most efficient tools to manage their resources. Contact our experts to find out if the multi-use sweeper is the right vehicle to step up your grounds maintenance game. We’ll let you know if there are better alternatives!